Media Links – Rosemarie Anderson
The Feminine Tao Te Ching
To Be the Tao Is to Mother the World
The Big Picture of Transpersonal Research Part I. October 4, 2015
The Big Picture of Transpersonal Research Part II. October 4, 2015
Reflections on Ken Wilber’s Integral Psychology. October 28, 2015
Human Spirituality and Process Philosophy. October 14,
Rosemarie Anderson on Jorge Ferrer’s Participatory Paradigm (Post-doc Scholars September 20, 2015)
Networking Transpersonal Researchers Worldwide, Transpersonal Research Colloquium, Brazil 2015
Panel Presentation & Discution – Eurotas 2014 Greece 02.10.14
Research in a Sacred World – EUROTAS 2014 Crete Conference
Keynote Intuitive Inquiry, British Psychological Society, 2008
“After years of teaching, I remain a learner. Waiting and listening, I will sit with you at the door of wisdom. For what are we waiting and listening? We are seeking what is looking for me and is looking for you. Welcome.”
“Through her energy, wisdom and experience, Rosemarie Anderson creates both a challenging structure and a nurturing space, essentially the perfect conditions, for you to make quantifiable leaps in discovering the depths of your own inner wisdom and knowledge. The journey with her is simply delightful!”
“Rosemarie Anderson is a fantastic educator. She encourages students to examine inner transformation while insisting on academic rigor, enabling us both to trust intuitive ways of knowing and excel academically. Dr. Anderson’s learned approach to teaching promotes growth, empowerment, and self-confidence in ways I could not have dreamed possible!”
“Rosemarie Anderson is a creative and exceptional teacher and researcher of embodiment. I had the pleasure of being a student in her research class on embodiment. Her pedagogy included
“Rosemarie Anderson is that unique scholar, teacher and mentor who demonstrates knowledge and wisdom and then allows the students to find their own way while nurturing their journey at every step of the way. Her class dealing with embodiment helped me to see aspects of my own learning style that I had either forgotten or had learned to ignore for far too long. She challenges students to dig deeply into what it is that makes them truly themselves and let others see those attributes in new and radiant ways. I would recommend her as a teacher, a mentor, a scholar and a guide of the highest order.”
“Rosemarie Anderson is brilliant, intuitive and inspiring. She has a caring and perceptive way of understanding one’s learning style and true potential. Because of her mentoring I have evolved personally and professionally beyond what I could have imagined.”