Transforming Self and Others Through Research- Transpersonal Research Methods and Skills for the Human Sciences and HumanitiesTransforming Self and Others Through Research: Transpersonal Research Methods and Skills for the Human Sciences and Humanities.

Rosemarie Anderson and William Braud’s second book published in 2011 updates the reader on the three transpersonal research methods, Intuitive Inquiry, Integral Inquiry, and Organic Inquiry, in Part I. Part II provides a series of chapters that apply meditation practices and creative expression to research and scholarship, including topics such as attention and intention, quieting and slowing, mindfulness, empathic identification, direct knowing, kinesthetic and proprioceptive knowing, play, and embodied writing.

“Anderson and Braud add an exciting and significant dimension to current development in qualitative inquiry. This is a bold, creative, and inspiring work, and with both clarity and passion, puts forth a vital challenge to traditional assumptions about the nature of both research and knowledge.” – Kenneth J. Gergen, Professor, Department of Psychology, Swarthmore College and author of Relational Being: Beyond Self and Community

“This book transcends the conventional concept of researcher and subject as separate entities, as self and other … reveals how the research process can be a path of personal development and psychospiritual maturity for everyone involved. How I wish this book has been available when I studied research in graduate school. I hope it finds its way into every graduate nursing program in the nation.” – Barbara Montgomery Dossey, Nurse and Author of Florence Nightingale: Mystic, Visionary, Healer and Holistic Nursing


Five Ways of Doing Qualitative AnalysisFive Ways of Doing Qualitative Analysis: Phenomenological Psychology, Grounded Theory, Discourse Analysis, Narrative Research, and Intuitive Inquiry.

The Five Ways book details five qualitative research methods by five foremost leaders and developers of the methods. Each of the five researchers—Frederick Wertz, Kathy Charmaz, Linda McMullen, Ruthellen Josselson, and Rosemarie Anderson—analyze the same interview text and generate over-lapping yet distinctive interpretations. Finally, the interviewee, Emalinda McSpadden, presents her reaction to each of the five analyses. Published in 2011.

“This book represents the most innovative approach to date for teaching qualitative analysis. It will provide a starting place for the next generation of students who want to learn how to be well-grounded qualitative inquirers.” – Norman K. Denzin, Professor, College of Communications Scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

“An extraordinary achievement. This is the book I will recommend to my qualitative colleagues when they ask, ‘Just what is qualitative research?’ Unlike other books that give steps for doing qualitative study, Five Ways takes the reader into the thoughts and feelings involved in conducting research.” – Donald E. Polkinghorne, Professor Emeritus, Department of Counseling Psychology, University of Southern California


Transpersonal Research Methods for the Social SciencesTranspersonal Research Methods for the Social Sciences: Honoring Human Experience.

William Braud and Rosemarie Anderson’s first book published in 1998 established the field of transpersonal research methods by articulating an epistemological and methodological rationale for research methods and procedures uniquely designed for the study of transpersonal and spiritual topics. The book serves as the “classic” book in the field and is a must read for every transpersonal researcher. By supplementing mainstream methods with uniquely transpersonal approaches, transpersonal and spiritual topics can be studied in depth on their own ground.

“If ‘things transpersonal’ are researchable, how do we go about it? … The authors argue that if transpersonal is defined as extending through and beyond the persona, then appropriate research methods should also extend beyond conventional scientific means.”

Excerpt from book review by Miles Vich, Editor, The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 1998, Vol. 30, page 179.


Celtic OraclesCeltic Oracles: A New System for Spiritual Growth.

Celtic Oracles was Rosemarie Anderson’s first book was published in 1998. The myths, folklore, gods and goddess of the Celtic expanse from Continental Europe to the Celtic Isles are presented along with interpretations for modern use. The book is beautifully illustrated by artist Susan Dorf. With transpersonal research methods well developed and available, Rosemarie hopes to move back to the study of myth, art, and the sacred landscape—themes begun in Celtic Oracles.

Sample oracle, Cauldron of Creation:
“The goddess is the source of life and her womb the cauldron of creation giving birth to the world. Through her, all life comes into form. In Irish and Welsh legends and iconography, her womb is symbolized by the ever-replenishing cauldron of the Otherworld, always filled with savory meats of feasting and restoring dead warrior to life. Through the womb of the goddess, life is replenished with vitality from an ageless and inexhaustible source.”
